Thursday, December 16, 2010

Veggie Tales

I took so long to write mostly because school is hard and I had a tough semester, but also because in the midst of this my oldest daughter decided to be a vegetarian. Out of the blue. And also a Buddhist.

It's all good, I can roll with just about anything these days. Except being a vegetarian is hard. It's actually kind of a pain in the butt and for someone who thought she was the hippest mom in the room most days that's kind of embarrassing. Ah well, at least I was the only mom in the room most of those days.

My problem was I would cook three or four sides then stare at the empty spot where the meat used to go. I'd ask friends and often complete strangers what I should do. Universally they always suggested eggplant parm. It's very tasty, for sure, but more than tree times and it gets old. Sad that I tried anyway, huh?

Heres what I learned; Make a grain dish, a soup dish, a different kind of salad and fruit at every dinner. You need to remember to also eat a heck of a lot of beans. In fact beans and rice for two meals a day. Don't substitute bread for meat. It will make you way fat. The last thing I learned and the weirdest was that everyone takes vegetarianism very personally.There's nothing like going to class  and giving a presentation in Spanish about it and being accosted in the hallway about it in English afterwards.

"You don't have to be a vegetarian just because your daughter is, you know."
"Yeah, I don't have to do anything but pay taxes and die, pretty much"
"I mean, if your daughter is a Buddhist she is SUPPOSED to understand"
"Yeah, she's ten and she does and I think I got her back on this one. She's not making us get matching tattoos or anything"
"I mean it's a personal choice!"
"So is  deciding to back out of this conversation. I gotta go. My dog has split ends?"
"Nothing, I think my mom is calling on my cell"

This was an honest to goodness conversation.

The reality of the situation is it is hard to make sure that everyone gets what they need nutritionally here. It makes for a little extra work. I have to see that my daughter gets plenty of healthy protein and that she eats slightly more.

As a parent it is more than simply supporting her choice, it is making healthy choices for my whole family. It has been good for us I am sure, but I don't look like the shining hero when I mess up yet another unfamiliar dish, or forget whole segments of a meal or run out of food by the middle of the week.

I'm OK with it. I am, because I know making the decisions every day to honor the choices of everyone in the family and to honor life are good, sound ones even if I mess it up sometimes.

So, here is where I ask for your help. Please send good recipes along to me! I will pass them along too!

Eat well and enjoy life!